The Oil Cleansing Method

Effective Safe Natural Acne Treatment

Did you know oil can be used as a natural facial cleanser?

With the oil cleansing method, you use oil, together with warm water and a washing cloth to clean off make up, possible dirt and impurities from the day.
Just pick an organic oil and you have a very simple, but effective organic facial cleanser.

Castor oil, sesame oil, olive oil, sweet almond oil or jojoba oil can be used amongst others, it all depends on your taste and skin – as most oils have a unique smell and everybody’s skin reacts differently.

  • Jojoba oil can be a bit expensive, however, on the plus side, its consistency is closest to that of the human sebum.
  • Castor oil is rather thick, which I like a lot, because it almost feels like a cleansing gel.
  • Sweet almond oil is very gentle and has no scent of its own.
  • The nutty scent of sesame oil is still quite discrete, while olive oil could be rather overwhelming, because we so strongly associate its scent with cooking – not bathroom rituals.

TIP: If you have tried the oil cleansing method and like it enough to use every day, there are great re-usable bottles with a pump available. With a simple gesture, you can dispose of the perfect amount of any kind of oil you’ve chosen to fill the bottle with, or a blend of different sorts!


Oil Cleansing Method Steps


Step 1

Take some oil in the palm of your hand and apply to the face.

Step 2

Gently massage the oil into the skin and around the eyes. You can make this step as long as you like – a facial massage is not only very relaxing, it also increases the blood flow to the upper skin layers and has a positive effect on the skins overall health as well as the apparition of wrinkles. During step two the oil starts to dissolve dirt and impurities.

Step 3

The third step consists of drenching a washing cloth in warm water, squeezing out the excess water and then pressing it to the face. You want the water to be warm enough to open the pores, but not too hot, obviously. Repeat the action with the warm washing cloth a few times. With the heat opening up the pores, the oil gets even better access to those in depth and thoroughly cleans the skin, taking dirt with it when wiped off. Repeat the application until it looks like the warm water has taken away most of the oil. (A thin layer remaining is normal, as oil can not be entirely stripped off without soap.)

Step 4

Pat dry the face and finish with a tonic or lotion before moisturising. If you don’t use any tonic, finish wish a splash of cold water to tighten the skin and close the pores. Depending on your skin type, you might not really need any moisturiser, especially before bed. The oil cleansing method leaves your face clean and free of make up or dirt accumulated during the day, but not entirely stripped of its natural oils.

Bacteria thrive in a humid, warm environment, so it is best to use a clean washing cloth every day.

Oil cleansing method for dry or combination skin

This method is gentle enough to be used when you have dry skin, it is not agressive and helps to restore the skins natural balance.

Oil cleansing method for oily or acne prone skin

Surprising maybe, but this cleansing method works for all skin types, and especially oily or acne prone skin. If this is your skin type, you might be used to washing your face with cleansing products that remove a maximum of oil… and you’re probably wary of adding more! The issue with too drastic cleaning, is that because the skin is continuously stripped of all oil, it starts producing even more sebum. While trying to combat shine, clogged pores and blemished, you actually increase sebum production, because the skin will over-compensate. The oil cleansing method can help restore the balance. It does clean the skin very nicely, but not in harsh way.

As a result, sebum production quiets down, since there’s no need for the pores to keep ‘working’ so hard to replace the stripped oils.

Sounds logic, right?

TIP: The plants used to make organic oils have been grown without pesticides. In choosing an organic oil, you not only get the best for your skin, but also contribute to a cleaner earth and healthier working conditions for the people taking care of the crop!

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