Certified Organic Skincare Brands, Worth the Detour or Overrated?

certified organic skincare brands

Are certified organic skincare brands worth the detour? Personal care products and food packaging seem to creak under the weight of labels, badges and certifications these days. If something isn’t organic, gluten free, paraben free, kosher, fair trade, lactose free, non-gmo, biodegradable, reef safe, part of the rainforest alliance, dolphin friendly or (preferably) all of the above, we’d be quick to believe there’s something seriously amiss with it.

Don’t get me wrong – even though I’m poking fun at the overload of badges of honor a bit, the concept of all those initiatives promoting a more respectful and sustainable approach in commerce is wonderful. Which is why I’m excited to take a closer look at an important aspect of the green beauty industry: certified organic skincare brands.

The certified organic patrol, reporting for duty

Of course, having someone regulate the use of the term organic is a good thing. Without that, any company could claim to be organic. The existence of organizations whose corps business is to-check on such statements is simply a necessary thing to ensure their truthfulness.

That being said, I’m about to contradict myself – a little bit. While a certified organic label is totally awesome and very useful, not all great organic skincare brands carry one. And that doesn’t automatically mean the brand is a farce, a rip-off, or a lie. (Even though I just mentioned some governing of certified organic skincare labels is needed to keep the potential crooks in check.)

Badges of honor for sale here

Thing is, certifications cost a lot of money. Skincare brands (and manufacturers of other organic products) have to buy into certifications in order to be allowed to flaunt the badge on their packaging. There are organic skincare brands that choose not to pursue the official organic status, while still making amazing organic products – quietly in their own corner.

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Even not certified organic skincare brands can be legit

Annmarie Gianni is a fitting example. Using a mixture of all natural, organic and wild harvested ingredients, Annmarie Gianni skincare is an excellent choice for anyone looking to switch to natural, organic skincare. Just because they aren’t certified doesn’t mean the stuff isn’t what they say it is.

As with many things in life, it comes down to using your better judgement. Check out a company’s website, founder, its proclaimed values and overall vibe, as well as online presence in general. The brand’s personality will either shine through and make sense… or not. 😉

In Annmarie Gianni’s example the company was started to fulfill a personal need, and it is clearly (still) a labor of love.


The costs of buying into expensive certifications are also one more thing to be factored into retail prices. In that light, the absence of a certified organic label can benefit the consumers. Provided that a brand is legit, honest, and goes about its business with integrity, of course!

By the way, if your inner nerd is getting really excited about this, here are a bunch of organic certifications and what they mean.